Jan 15, 2014

aig Midi - greatest takeoff place!

Aig du Midi and le Vallèe Blanche is so much more than just Vallèe Blanche and Midi...

It's a serious playground for a lot of great activitys, rockclimbing, skiing, escalade du glacé, mixed climbs, steep skiing...and speed riding !


And with its stunning téléphérique built up to the sharp peak of Midi, actually built and finished already 1955

Which sadly, is the same year as the great local guide, Louis Lachenal fell down in a crevasse and died on Vallèe blanche after trying this new lift...

Arete du Midi

One easy way to avoid these unpredictable crevasses is to fly down instead. Which on the other isn't something one can do every day. It need the right wind, not to strong and from the right direction and visibility.

But on this specific day it was, super conditions actually!


Just going up to Midi with the lift is something memorable for everybody, specially the first time in life. As with everything, once it's done a certain number of times it loses a little of the magic. But, at least for me it's always a special feling stepping in to the cabin


And once up there, the walk down the ridge, the arête down to the glacier, is just such a bellevue, something never to get enough of!

And as always around Cham, there is hard to do anything special, as today it was a bunce more people that had the same idea of flying. So a quick walk down the arête, put on the skiis and ski out to the takeoff area

A little pêle-mêle action with the wing and it's airborne...a 6min ride down le Vallèe!


// Känslan att vinna är

större än rädslan att förlora


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